Christelle Cardwell is a 20-year-old young woman living in Marshall, MO. Christelle attends the Center of Human Services (CHS) Saline County Activity Center (SCAC) weekly Monday through Friday. This recently changed as she was attending three days weekly and enjoyed attending so much, she requested to come an additional two days each week. Christelle was very excited about being able to attend fulltime and now has a greater opportunity to enjoy leisure activities and crafts daily with peers. While at CHS, she receives support and assistance from the staff in such activities as exercise, volunteering, crafts, group games and community integration. Christelle loves to do the crafts here at CHS she says. When asked what her favorite craft was, she replied, “I can’t choose one, I love them all! Christelle also participates in our “Ladies Lunch Bunch.” This group of ladies enjoys doing crafts, cooking, spa days and playing bingo together weekly.
Christelle has only been attending SCAC since May, but in this time, she built relationships with her peers and with staff who are helping her build her communication skills with others. Christelle wants to continue to work on building her social skills so she will be able to engage within her community better and feel more comfortable speaking with others she doesn’t know. She was previously described as “shy and introverted.” Through daily group activities, the SCAC staff have seen a lot of growth in her and how she participates with others in a more outgoing manner. Notable change has already been observed in increased verbal expressions, using a louder voice and increased eye contact while speaking to others. Christelle is developing social and interpersonal skills that are leading to a more trusting relationship. With positive feedback and encouragement Christelle is personally growing every day! Christelle is looking forward to getting out in the community and being able to volunteer more while supported by the SCAC program.
It is our program mission at CHS to create meaningful connections within our community for the individuals we serve and help them lead a “Life Without Limitations.” If you have any questions about Center for Human Services programs, please visit or contact us at 660-826-4400.